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A Link Between Hearing Loss and Rheumatoid Arthritis

In Health, Hearing Health, Research, Signs & Symptoms by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Everyone knows that loud noise can damage your ears. However, there are lesser known causes of hearing loss that may surprise you. Some of these may include exposure to environmental toxins, certain medication, and smoking. However, did you know that rheumatoid arthritis has also been linked to hearing loss? What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease …

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Growing Evidence that Noise is Bad for Your Health

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Noise, Research by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

It seems that the sounds of this modern world just keep getting harder and harder to escape. When was the last time that you could say you were truly free of the sounds of cars driving down the road, planes flying overhead, and the sounds of electronics buzzing? With the ever-increasing usability and accessibility of industry and technology, we are …

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Taking care of your hearing and vision slows cognitive decline by 50-75%

In Age Related Hearing Loss, Health, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Research by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

In the first year of our life our brain grow and develops by 50%. By the time we are 5 years old the brain is nearly 90% developed. However, it may come as a disappointment for many that the brain starts to decline as early as 45 years of age. If you are concerned about your cognitive health, it’s important …

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As an Invisible Condition, Hearing Loss Often Goes Ignored

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Do you struggle to hear in a crowd? Are you finding that you need the television turned up louder than the other people in your family and it’s leading to regular disagreements? If so, you are probably already suspecting and recognizing these instances as common signs of hearing loss. You may have suspected this for a while now and thought …

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All About Assistive Listening Devices

In Hearing Aids by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Do you have hearing loss? While there is no cure, there are several treatments which help you hear. The most common method for treatment is hearing aids which are programed digitally based upon your hearing exam to amplify just the tones and sounds you struggle with. However, there are moments where assistive listening devices may be the best solution to …

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Tired of Loud Restaurants? This App Can Help.

In Hearing Loss by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

We not only eat to sustain ourselves but to connect to others. Eating is often a social event, sharing food, recipes, and ideas. In fact, research from the University of Oxford shows that when people often share meals together, they are more likely they are to feel happy and satisfied with their lives. When the COVID 19 pandemic temporarily closed …

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Connecting People | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

In Communication, Hearing Health by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Do you suffer from hearing loss? It’s important to remember that you aren’t alone. Commonly associated with the elderly, today we understand that hearing loss can affect anyone at any age.  Around one in eight people in the United States (13 percent, or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears, based on standard hearing …

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A Link Between Gout & Hearing Loss

In Diet, Health, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Do you ever experience a severe pain in your foot or big toe? This often signifies gout, a common and complex form of arthritis. You wouldn’t think that a condition affecting your feet would affect your hearing as well, however, recent studies have indicated a strong connection between the two conditions. What is Gout? Most typically gout manifests itself as foot …