Helpful Tips

Safe earwax removal using Debrox

What exactly is earwax?

For starters, it isn't really a wax at all. It is a sticky liquid called cerumen secreted by glands in the skin of the ear canal. And earwax serves a valuable purpose. It protects your ears by trapping outside materials such as dirt particles, dust and bacteria. The ear usually cleans itself by shedding earwax on its own.

Excessive earwax can build up and block the ear canal. This can lead to ear discomfort, itching, partial loss of hearing and other conditions. If left untreated, earwax buildup can reduce hearing and affect day-to-day life. Don't let that happen. Trust Debrox to remove earwax in the privacy of your home.

Debrox is the safe and gentle way to remove earwax build up in the privacy of your home.

Debrox goes to work with microfoam cleansing action to soften and remove earwax as it cleans the ear. For best results:

  • Use Debrox twice a day for up to four days if needed or as directed by your doctor
  • For each use, approximately 5-10 drops should be placed in the affected ear(s)

Debrox safely removes earwax by softening it with its gentle microfoam cleansing action allowing the earwax to naturally drain from the ear.

Any earwax remaining after treatment may be removed by gently flushing the ear with warm water.

Why Debrox rather than cotton swabs?

Many people still reach for the cotton swabs when it comes time to clean their ears. However, cotton swabs can actually push earwax deeper into the ear canal, causing greater buildup and risking damage to the eardrum and lining of the ear canal.

Helpful Tips for Friends & Loved Ones of the Hearing Impaired

Helpful Tips For Hearing Impaired

Before you speak to me please...

  1. Reduce the background noise (TV, radio, dishwasher, faucet, stove/exhaust fan, etc.)
  2. Get my attention first
  3. Reduce the distance between us
  4. Face me directly
  5. Pause between words in your normal voice
  6. Avoid sudden changes in the subject
  7. Be supportive, positive and encouraging

Battery Tips

Battery life

How long should your batteries last? The truth is there is no one answer that will work for every person.

Essentially each person has a unique hearing loss "fingerprint". No two fingerprints will be exactly alike; therefore, no two people will have the exact same battery life as another.

Factors that affect battery life include:

  • Individual's Hearing LossAs severity increases, increased amplification is required. This causes an increase in the current, which reduces battery life. Therefore, the more severe hearing loss a person has, the shorter the battery life. Also, hearing loss can vary from ear to ear. That means you shouldn't expect equal battery life.
  • Individual's Hearing Aid UsageMost people refer to days when referencing battery life, but what is the definition of "a day" to each person? Some people only wear their aids 4 hours a day, others wear them 16 hours a day. Hours of battery function is a more accurate way to compare battery life.
  • Hearing Instrument ItselfThe more advanced that aid is, the more power is required. This concept is similar to a cell phone. The more features you use on your phone (ex internet, apps, games, movies), the faster the battery drains.
  • EnvironmentHumidityAs humidity is reduced, batteries may dry out reducing the battery life. This can be an issue if you are indoors during winter months in northern climates, using wood-burning stoves to heat homes, and keeping batteries in dry aid kits in an already dry environment.
  • TemperatureAs temperature is reduced, hearing aid battery voltage is lowered, which reduces battery life.
  • AltitudeAs altitude increases the percentage of oxygen in the air is reduced, lowering the hearing aid battery voltage. This can cause the battery to reach the endpoint earlier.
  • Personal EnvironmentThe noise around you can affect battery life. A battery will drain less in a library versus a restaurant or rock concert. Also, if the volume is "maxed out" on your hearing aid this will prematurely drain the battery.

The best way to get a good estimate on your battery life is to test the battery. Write down the date you insert the battery and write the date you remove it. After you use all the batteries in the package, you should have a good estimate of your battery life.

Battery Tips

  • Store batteries at room temperature. Batteries should not be carried loose in your pocket or purse and should not be stored out of the package. If a battery inadvertently comes into contact with a metal object such as coins, key, or other batteries the battery may short out, leak, or in rare incidences even rupture. Store and discard batteries in places that cannot be reached by infants or children.
  • Zinc air batteries use air as a source of power, and the tab provides a seal that ensures freshness until the battery is ready for use. To activate the battery, simply remove the tab, wait one minute to allow air to activate the ingredients, and insert the battery into your hearing aid.
  • When batteries sit on a shelf or in a warehouse, they slowly lose their energy. Temperature fluctuations and the slow seepage of air into the battery are some of the factors that can affect the life of the battery.
  • During the summer months when it is hot and humid use a dry aid kit. This keeps the circuitry, electronic components and batteries free of moisture from the air and/or perspiration. Optimally, the battery should be removed from the aid while insides the dry aid kit. A good guide to follow is when your skin feels dry and needs moisture, stop using your dry aid kit. Using a kit when climate conditions are dry can prematurely dry the cell and lead to shortened battery life.