Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that older adults experience. In fact, nearly 1 in 8 people have some degree of hearing loss. Though impaired hearing is a public health epidemic, it is undertreated.
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, about 29 million adults in the U.S. could benefit from using hearing aids. There are several excuses people often make to avoid addressing their hearing loss. Five common excuses for not buying hearing aids are:
1. My hearing is fine.
Hearing loss typically happens gradually so people may not be completely aware of the growing impairment. Additionally, a common misconception about hearing loss is that you can simply speak louder and that solves the issue. People may ask others to speak loudly and/or slowly, repeat themselves etc. However, these are not effective or sustainable strategies. This kind of denial prevents people from addressing the hearing loss they are experiencing which worsens impairment.
2. I do not need help.
Because hearing loss is not a life-threatening condition, people can often think that it’s not a serious health concern that requires urgent attention. But it is important to know that hearing loss has multifaceted effects on all aspects of a person’s life. Impaired hearing reduces one’s ability to hear which strains communication, a critical way we manage personal and professional responsibilities on a daily basis. This can impact job performance, social life as well as mental and physical health.
3. Hearing aids are too bulky.
Another common misconception about hearing aids is that they are too bulky and all too visible. People often have an outdated image of hearing devices making them unappealing. But similar to most electronic devices today, hearing aids have evolved and benefitted from advanced technology. There is a wide range of options with various features and technologies designed to seamlessly integrate into a person’s life, creating the best possible listening experiences. Hearing aids are smaller than ever, can match skin tone, and sync with your other devices!
4. I am too young for hearing aids.
Hearing loss and hearing aids are often associated with older adults (seniors). It is important to know that hearing loss can and does impact people of all ages! Key statistics include:
- Nearly 20% of adults between the ages of 20-69 have some degree of hearing loss.
- Globally, over 43 million people – ages 12-35 – live with disabling hearing loss.
Additionally, the World Health Organization estimates that 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk for developing noise induced hearing loss caused by personal devices and/or loud sound at entertainment/social venues. These statistics highlight that hearing loss is a condition that impacts young adults and that the risk is in fact, increasing.
5. They’re too expensive.
Hearing aids are a critical investment in protecting your overall health. Not only do they strengthen communication which is crucial to fully participating in your daily life, but they also improve your wellness, job performance, social life, relationships etc. Treating your impairment also reduces the risk of developing other medical conditions associated with hearing loss including cognitive decline. The numerous benefits allow you to navigate your day with greater ease. It is important to remember that hearing aids are necessary for your health and not an indulgent expense that can be spared. A few tips to maximize your purchase include:
- Hearing health experts often offer free trials to ensure the device best meets your needs
- Ask about the warranty plan and what it includes – trial periods, repair services etc.
- Also ask about arranging a payment plan that works for you.
The root of these excuses tends to be general anxiety about confronting your changing health. But you do not have to experience this by yourself. There are experts that are equipped with the resources and information intended to support you. Having your hearing assessed and addressing your hearing loss is incredibly important.
Being proactive about your hearing health can significantly help you transition into better hearing more easily. Hearing aids offer countless benefits that help you navigate the various environments you move through. Increased ability to hear and effectively communicate enhances your quality of life and well-being. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!