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What Role Does Genetics Have in Hearing Loss?

In Family & Friendships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by audseo

While many factors can contribute to hearing loss, genetics can play a role in both congenital and acquired hearing loss. Understanding the genetic basis of hearing loss can help you find effective treatment methods and improve prevention strategies. Let’s look at the role of genetics in hearing loss, explore the genetic factors involved, and discuss how this knowledge can help …

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Noisy Restaurants and Their Impact on Hearing

In Communication, Family & Friendships, Hearing Health by audseo

In today’s bustling world, dining out is not just about savoring delicious food—it’s also a social experience. However, loud noise in many restaurants can create challenges for individuals with hearing loss. It can also negatively impact the dining experience for everyone. So how common is noise in restaurants, and what are the effects of excessive noise on hearing? Walk into …

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The Role of Genetics in Hearing Loss

In Family & Friendships, Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss can be caused by exposure to loud noise, injury, and even aging. Hearing loss can also be impacted by genetics. Understanding the genetic factors behind hearing loss can be crucial for both preventing and treating hearing loss. So, let’s unravel the mystery of genetics and hearing loss. The Genetic Puzzle First things first, let’s talk about genes. You’ve …

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Hearing Loss in Teens

In Family & Friendships, Hearing Loss, Pediatric Hearing Loss by audseo

Individuals of all ages should be able to enjoy the full richness of life through optimal hearing health. One topic that’s often overlooked is hearing loss in teenagers. While we tend to associate hearing issues with older adults, the reality is that adolescents are not immune to hearing loss. Hearing loss presents unique challenges for teens, but early intervention and …

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The Social Implications of Hearing Loss

In Family & Friendships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss possesses the subtle power to reshape our interactions with the world around us, encompassing our relationships with friends and acquaintances. Friends, the bedrock of our social lives, offer emotional backing, companionship, and shared moments. However, the entrance of hearing loss into this equation can recalibrate communication dynamics, resulting in misunderstandings and missed bonds. The Role of Effective Communication …

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Communication Disorders are More Common in Kids than You Think

In Communication, Family & Friendships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

All learning is built on the foundation of language. Eye contact, crying, vocalizing, and gesturing are the initial ways children learn to communicate. They pick up on the language of the people around them as they get older. Children then learn about their world through language, which they acquire by talking, playing, and reading; parents and teachers utilize a variety …

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How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

In Communication, Family & Friendships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Signs & Symptoms by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

What would you say is the most important thing in your life? Would it be your house or car or job? Most likely when most people think about it the most important thing in life are not material and are the priceless relationships that evolve as we age and keep us engaged and connected. Whether with friends, family, romantic partners, …

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The Benefits of Being Social for Older Americans

In Communication, Family & Friendships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Research by Dr. Robert Hooper Au.D.

Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic disabilities affecting nearly 48 million people in the U.S.  Imagine being cut off from communication with your loved ones. Conversations happen around you but you can’t really participate like you used to. It starts to become more alluring to just stay home, rather than to try to go to a party or …