Do you find you are having to ask people to repeat themselves more and more often? You may have suspected this to be a developing hearing loss for years, but felt it wasn’t serious enough to address or that there were other things to deal with. However, putting off addressing a hearing loss can have some devastating effects which reach …
Certain Chemicals May Cause Hearing Loss
According to recent research, one out of every four American workers has already experienced exposure to hazardous noise at least once. But other dangers at work could also lead to hearing loss, namely chemicals. Employees who are exposed to hazardous chemicals can permanently impair their hearing. Exposure to excessive amounts of these compounds is characterized as ototoxic, meaning it can …
How to Prevent Hearing Loss & Reduce Its Impact
One of the most common health issues in the world is also one of the most under-treated. Hearing loss, which can negatively affect every aspect of a person’s life, from their family relationships to their earning power, often goes unrecognized and untreated. The good news is that awareness about hearing issues is on the rise, and ways to treat hearing …
Strange Causes of Hearing Loss
Most people understand that hearing loss can be caused by exposure to noise. The CDC reports that an estimated 12.5% of children and adolescents aged 6–19 years (approximately 5.2 million) and 17% of adults aged 20–69 years (approximately 26 million) have suffered permanent damage to their hearing from excessive exposure to noise. It is important to understand the amount of noise you are exposed to and protect your ears …
Undertreated & Undiagnosed: Age-Related Hearing Loss
There are many causes of hearing loss, however, the most common type comes from a lifetime of listening. It is estimated that one in three people over 65 have hearing loss and this statistic climbs to half of all of those 75 or older in the US. If you are approaching this age bracket it is important to stay on …
Staying Safe with Hearing Loss
While hearing loss is an issue that begins in the ears, its effects are far-reaching. Communication issues caused by hearing loss can cause alienation from loved ones, diminished confidence, chronic depression and loneliness. These issues can affect many aspects of life such as less likely to live an active life, to cognitive decline and a higher risk of dementia. However, …
Healthy Habits to Protect Your Hearing
There are many factors that can damage your hearing. Knowing the threats to your hearing can help you to make healthier choices, which avoid the devastating side effects of hearing loss. The Dangers of Hearing Loss When you start to look at hearing and health, you may find that the two are more interconnected than you may first suspect. Commonly …
Trouble Hearing in Noisy Places? Train Your Brain
Have you been struggling to hear when you are out and about? Is it especially difficult to follow a conversation in noisy rooms and spaces, amongst multiple conversations or ambient noise? This is one of the most common and earliest signs that you may have an issue with your hearing. Relearning to Hear First and foremost, it is important to …
Building Connections | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
In 1927 The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) named the month of May as Better Hearing and Speech Month as a way to raise understanding and awareness for those with hearing and speech issues. While it is important to understand and self-diagnose and be compassionate to these communication issues year-round, BHSM is designed to inspire and instigate action and accommodation for …
The Pros & Cons of Different Hearing Aid Types
If it has been years since you first have suspected you’ve had a hearing loss and are just now making the leap to wearing them, then you are not alone! On average it takes people seven to ten years from the time they suspect they have a hearing loss to finally get treated. Now that you’ve had a hearing test …