Whether it is your laptop, your smartphone or your portable music speaker, many of your personal devices are probably powered by rechargeable batteries. By comparison, hearing aids have been slow on the uptake. But the recent introduction of lithium ion batteries has made rechargeable technology a much more attractive option for your hearing aid. Here are some of the important …
Noise Pollution in US National Parks
There is no better way to de-stress than to spend a weekend camping in a national park. But the serenity of our great outdoor locations may be under threat, according to a research by academics from Colorado State University. Their research showed that in the United States, 63% of protected areas have been subjected to significant manmade noise. “We were surprised …
Support an Active Lifestyle with Hearing Aids
We have no problem putting our glasses on when we get up in the morning, or using safety glasses when they are needed at work or for our hobbies. Yet, people are still reluctant to take care of their ears and wear hearing aids if needed. Recent statistics still show Americans wait between five and seven years before addressing hearing …
Meditation Could Help Alleviate Tinnitus
“What’s that noise?” you ask – but no one else can hear it. That insidious whining, ringing, buzzing, clicking or whooshing in your ears is tinnitus. If you wear hearing aids, many have built-in functions to help escape the sound. If it’s a terrible bother, you should get a hearing evaluation at Ear-Tronics. We can evaluate your hearing aids to …
All About Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices, or ALDs, give your hearing experience a little extra amplification when hearing aids aren’t enough. They are useful in challenging hearing situations when there is lots of extra noise, or it’s a large space – or both! At Ear-Tronics, we can help you out with ALDs. Let us make sure your hearing aids are functioning correctly, or …
Working with Hearing Loss
Dealing with a hearing loss while working can put you at a serious disadvantage in the workplace. This could explain why according to recent figures, those with severe hearing loss were twice as likely to be unemployed than their hearing peers. But with foresight, preparation and good old honesty, you can begin to thrive at work again. Here are the …
Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters
The most difficult thing about your hearing loss journey is asking for help. It takes seven years for a person to finally muster the courage to seek treatment. But asking for medical help is only the start. You also need to continually ask for help from those around you. It turns out that this is more important that you might …
May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!
Did you know that this month is Better Speech and Hearing Month? Throughout May, the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) is raising awareness about issues connected to to the ability to communicate, including those surrounding hearing health. For 2019, their theme is “Communication Across the Lifespan.” which highlights the need for communication methods to be maintained throughout one’s life. …
Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss
Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. – Warren Buffet For those who are into personal finance, conversations usually revolve around interest and index funds, IRAs and 401(k)s, work, savings, passive income, real estate, and other matters. But they don’t usually talk about investing in one’s health. In the long-term however, taking care …
Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss
There has been a huge increase in awareness of hearing health in recent years, as well as incredible advancement in hearing aid technology. Still, there are some common misconceptions that won’t seem to go away. Hearing loss is an invisible condition that often takes years to develop. As the third most common medical condition in the US, it is important …