Hearing loss is the third most chronic condition for older adults in the US affecting 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 and half of all 75 and older. Even so, hearing loss can affect people of any age. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 10% of Millennials have some degree of hearing loss and …
Myths about Hearing Aids
It’s estimated that one in eight people in the United States (13 percent, or 30 million) aged 12 years or older have hearing loss in both ears. 28 million could benefit from hearing aids, however of those who could benefit from treatment only 20 percent ever do. Part of what keeps people from addressing their hearing loss is a lack of …
How do Hearing Aids Work?
It’s estimated that about 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids; however , only 20% of those who could benefit have ever tried them. Putting off treatment of hearing impairments can lead to rifts in your closest relationships, chronic depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and a higher risk of accidents leading to hospitalization. The sooner you diagnose and …
A Link Between Hearing Loss & Cardiovascular Disease
The health of our heart is essential as it pumps and distributes healthy oxygenated blood to our brains, cells, and organs throughout our body. Maintaining a healthy heart is attainable with regular exercise a healthy diet and regular doctor visits to monitor for complications. However, all too often heart disease becomes the leading cause of death in the US, prematurely …
A Guide to Buying Hearing Aids
If you have experienced changes to your hearing health, it is important to address them as early as possible. Early intervention and treatment can drastically help transform the quality of your hearing health. Hearing aids, the most common treatment for hearing loss, have experienced significant innovation over recent years. Today’s hearing aids are savvier and more capable than ever before. …
Household Items That Could Damage Your Hearing
A major misconception about hearing loss is that it is caused by aging, only impacting older adults. But hearing loss actually affects people of all ages and it can be developed at any time. One of the most common causes of impaired hearing is exposure to loud noise. Known as noise-induced hearing loss, this is caused by one time or …
Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!
Whether it’s a lifestyle change or simply a commitment to keep in touch with loved ones better, New Year’s Resolutions can be a great way to motivate you to make a fresh start. The resolutions that are generally most successful are those that are easiest to keep. If you’re looking for a straightforward resolution that you can repeat year after …
Communication Disorders are More Common in Kids than You Think
All learning is built on the foundation of language. Eye contact, crying, vocalizing, and gesturing are the initial ways children learn to communicate. They pick up on the language of the people around them as they get older. Children then learn about their world through language, which they acquire by talking, playing, and reading; parents and teachers utilize a variety …
A Healthy diet may stave off age-related hearing loss
Hearing loss affects many people in the United States. It is clearly one of the country’s invisible public health concerns. The majority of hearing loss is irreversible. However, some can be avoided. Noise-induced hearing loss, for example, can be reduced by employing healthy hearing strategies such as avoiding dangerously loud places, being aware of excessively loud listening conditions, and wearing …
Check Your Hearing This November for American Diabetes Month
Diabetes and hearing loss are two of the most common health problems in the United States. In the United States, more than 34 million people have diabetes, while an estimated 34.5 million suffer hearing loss. Those are two enormous groups of people, and there appears to be a great deal of overlap between them. The link between diabetes and …